From the time when LEED 2012’s release date was announced to actually be in 2012, an immense amount of commentary was buzzing through the Green Building World. That commentary was geared at the idea of “Too fast, Too Soon,” and was answered by the USGBC on June 4, 2012 when they announced LEED 2012’s release will be postponed until ~late 2013.

The debate to post-pone LEED 2012 was spear-headed by Robert Watson, Father of LEED and discussed on Leeduser.com. The debate was not if changed is needed, but rather when to change.
Earlier this week I stated my 2cents on the debate:
” While I agree with the initiative of the USGBC as well as many of the proposed credits, I believe trying to push this through too quickly would only cause difficulties for this fast-growing industry.
1. From a consulting/designing perspective:
Many of the on-going projects at our firm are currently still in the midst of submitting LEED NC ~1.0-2.2 documentation of certification. Our LEED 2009 projects are still just getting off the ground and realistically, I can see many of them continuing into the latter part of this decade. Many employees just get confused at times between the subtle differences in credits. If we were to introduce another version of LEED to the workplace, juggling 3 would be a little more inconvenient, to say the least. I also wanted to note that the clients/developers we work with are just becoming familiar with LEED 2009 and can comfortably hold their own during in-depth credit discussion with the LEED consultant. These guys don’t work with LEED everyday as some of us do, a new version of LEED would make other stakeholders less comfortable in sustainable talks.
2. I also teach courses for LEED GA/AP BD+C exam prep.
When the switch is made from 2009 to 2012, all those writing the 2012 exam will likely be studying credits that are not currently used in the real world, but will be used in the future instead, making their new-found credential achievement less applicable to the present time, and a hindrance to the employer+ employee.
With that said, while I understand that a new version of LEED is needed to progress sustainability in the built environment, I do not believe that it is imperative to implement LEEDV4 immediately, agreeing with Rob.”
This Extra time will allow the U.S. GBC to examine and further improve some vital areas in the new Rating System.
1. Allow for further Beta Testing of the new rating system to visualize the realistic impact and challenges of implementing this new rating system. Karen Joslin of Joslin Consulting even suggests paying beta testers to receive worthy feedback.
2. Fix the Materials and Resources Credit Category, a source of ample commentary due to its drastic variations.
3. Upgrade tools such as LEED Online to be ready for new credits, traffic and submissions.
4. Address: Occupants reduction of energy internally, Efficient envelope design and proper building orientation to a greater extent.
LEED v3 (2009) will be available for another 3 years.
Lorne Mlotek