
This exam is based on LEED 2009 and should not be used to study for the current LEED V4 exam. For up to date practice exams and full prep please check out or workshops here – www.Leadinggreen.com/online

1. LeadingLEED’s new office tower has beautiful outdoor lighting surrounding it. In regards to SSc8 – Light Pollution Reduction, which of the following is NOT a way to reduce light pollution?


2. The Uniform Plumbing Code (UPC) defines graywater as:


3. The Annual Energy Cost of a building is used in which of the following credits?


4. LeadingLEED discovered that the use of special photo-voltaic panels reduces the heat island effect from the project. In LEED, how is this new found method awarded?



5. Abbasi Construction is looking to avoid building on a Greenfield. Select the option which is considered notpreviously-developed:


6. CFC-based refrigerant systems must be phased out within?


7. When looking at WE, specifically the 20% water reduction in your indoor potable water use for the prequisite, what standards does LEED reference for you water consuming fixtures? [CHOOSE 2]


8. When looking at the burning of fossil fuels as our primary source of energy, what environmental affect does it
have in the triple bottom line?


9. In the United States, which standard/regulations do many local codes come from?


10. LeadingLEED is designing a condo which will have retail on first floor and residential on upper floors
as well as a highschool learning facility. What LEED rating system would be most


11. How should a project team decide which LEED rating system to use if a project can be considered
under more than just a single rating system?


12. Kotyk Engineering needs a couple more points to achieve LEED Gold certification. They are looking into points for Innovative performance. How can these be achieved?


13. Select the items that are not touched on in Sustainable Sites: [CHOOSE 2]


14. Process Water includes which of the following?



15. Which LEED Rating System’s certification expires every 5 years and needs to be recertified?


16. When looking at the Indoor Environmental Quality Category, which of the 2 following standards must be referenced to determine if the Thermal Comfort credits are met?


17. Some items in LEED can be interpreted differently depending on the federal, provincial or local code. Select the item that LEED addresses but its meaning can differ depending on the region.


18. In the LEED 2009 Rating System there is a new category called Regional Priority Credits to award point for special circumstances. How are those special circumstances determined?


19. Looking at the idea of a Full time equivalent when performing certain calculations; A building is planned to have 200 employees working 8 hours per day, 100 employees working 4 hours per day and 100 employees working 2 hours per day. What is the FTE?


20. Which one of the following is not considered Process Energy


21. In the LEED Regional Priority credit category, you can earn this # out of this #, of credits all based on your projects . Answers are in order of blanks:


22. When calculating the baseline water usage of a building, the EPAct of 1992 does not include: [CHOOSE 2]


23. SSc4.4 – Alternative Transportation: Parking Capacity has a few options to receive 2 points on a project. One of those options is to size the parking capacity to meet, but not exceed minimum local zoning requirements. What credit categories could contain some potential credit synergies?


24. LeadingLEED just moved into an office which was built in the energy inefficient days of the 1950s. The company would like to improve it up to the sustainable standards of today. Which LEED rating system should be used?


25. LeadingLEED’s new headquarters chose to use insulation containing recycled cardboard boxes. Which of
credits under Materials and Resources does this fit under?


26. LeadingLEED is not sure if a controllable exhaust fan in a kitchen will count towards the ventilation requirement of the thermal comfort credit. Select the 3 steps in any order which the project team should abide by: [CHOOSE 3]


27. After construction has been completed on a new High-rise residential building, Dufferin Construction decides not to divert any waste. What affect would this action have on the environment? [CHOOSE 2]


28. LeadingLEED is designing a school. The following items are on their budget, which counts as a Soft
construction cost?


29. Select the following examples of greywater


30. LeadingLEED’s brand new zoo requires one more point for LEED Platinum certification. The integrated design team looks into the Green Power credit. What is the intent of this Credit?


31. LeadingLEED is consulting for a small and brand new single floor, 2000sf industrial factory. How many occupants must be inside the building for this space to be considered as a densely occupied space?


32. Looking at the Materials and Resources Credit Category, which material does not need to be recycled to meet the Storage and Collection of Recyclables Prerequisite. [CHOOSE 2]


33. If 2 LEED AP’s were working on the same project and both listed on LEED Online, how many points
would the project be awarded?


34. LeadingLEED designed a new office building and has completed an entire LEED scorecard for a new LEED for
New Construction project. How should this scorecard be used now?


35. A project team is trying to reduce the quantity as well as increase the quality of storm water runoff.
Which of the following designs should they select?


36. Jiang landscape architects are looking into the minimum program requirements (MPR) for a farmhouse. Jiang has defined the LEED boundary to be 200000SF, how large does the farmhouse need to be to be eligible for LEED


37. What is the definition in LEED of Solar Reflectance Index (SRI)


38. The carpet in this room contains recycled orange juice cartons. Select the two true items about this carpet: [CHOOSE 2]


39. Which of the following would most likely count towards Community Connectivity [CHOOSE 3]


40. How does protecting air handling ductwork positively affect a project during construction?


41. *Currently Fixing, please skip for now* What is the definition of Cogeneration?


42. The Heat Island Effect occurs in dense urban areas that are hotter than their rural surroundings. Please select 3 causes of the Heat Island Effect. [CHOOSE 3]


43. Looking at the Triple Bottom Line which is composed of People, Planet and Profit; how does burning fossil fuels, such as CLEAN COAL, to generate the majority of our energy affect it?


44. LeadingLEED’s team has decided to create a printer cartridge recycling program for the community


45. What Does ASHRAE 62.1 relate to?


46. In LEED 2009, the USGBC significantly changed the way points are allocated to different credit categories. Which credit category now has the most points allocated to it?



47. Dickey Construction wants to reduce their affect on the ozone as well as contribution to global warming. Which of
the following is known as a natural refrigerant?


48. What type of LEED credit/credit category requires the project team to submit the requirements to achieve the credit?


49. When looking at Water Efficiency Credits which are involved with lavatory usage, what is the assumed percentage of men in the building?


50. When choosing a site to build on, there are often costs associated with selecting a brown field, such as an environmental assessment. However, what are some possible benefits of building on a brownfield? [CHOOSE 3]


51. LeadingLEED is constructing a mixed-use building with a shopping mall on the bottom 2 floors and office on the 10 stories above. Which of the following people would be considered transient occupants in LEED?


52. LeadingLEED decides to use previous pavement, which consists of part hardscape and part native vegitation (Some refer to this as Open-grid Paving). What 2 LEED credits will this positively Affect? [CHOOSE 2]


53. What is the certification for greener and cleaner electricity which reduces Carbon Dioxide (CO2) emissions from fossil fuels?


54. In a Mild Climate such as North California, what is the best refrigerant to use?


55. LeadingLEED is considering using the LEED for Core and Shell rating system for an ice rink
complex project, which of the following are considered in this specific rating system?



56. Which of the following are examples of impervious surfaces? [CHOOSE 3]


57. The Montreal Protocol set the following guidelines from completely phasing out certain refrigerants:


58. How would LeadingLEEDTM Landscaping Engineers prevent stormwater runoff?


59. LeadingLEED is looking into the standards which differ between Code Building and LEED building. Which of the
following make that distinction?


60. The definition of a footcandle is:


61. In the Energy and Atmosphere Credit Category Refrigerant selection is addressed in the prerequisite – Fundamental Refrigerant Management and the Credit – Enhanced Refrigerant Management. Which other credit Category is affected by refrigerants?


62. If the minimum program requirements are not met by a project, what can occur?


63. Dockside Green is certified as one of the first LEED for Neighborhood Development. Which of the following credit
categories is not in LEED for ND ?


64. Under LEED Fundamental Refrigerant Management, if a project has an existing CFC-based
refrigeration system and it is not economically feasible (not possible) to replace the system, what
maximum annual leakage of the existing system is allowed?


65. Select the refrigerant that the Montreal Protocol states has the longest atmospheric life


66. In LEED, which water types should be used for irrigation?
[Choose 2]


67. LeadingLEED is constructing and office in Toronto ( A cold climate ), and wants to achieve as many credits as possible. What would our building benefit the least from?


68. LeadingLEED is developing a brand new sustaianble education center. While calculating the Development Density, which of the following is included:


69. The students at LeadingLEED are confused about the scheduling of a project and what to tell their client as to when they can expect to get the LEED certification. What point in a project can it earn actual points for the credits?


70. Select the following means in which Ozone Depletion can be reduced:



71. What two surface characteristics does Solar Reflectance Index (SRI) take into account?


72. When looking at the LEED category Energy and Atmosphere, what is the standard to measure a renewable energy contract?



Select the materials that can be used as Post-consumer recycled content (CHOOSE 3):


74. The density of a project that is not residential is defined by:


75. LEED for NC, C&S, Schools, and EBOM evaluate what type of buildings?


76. LeadingLEED Retrofits Inc. are taking on a large project in the downtown core of Toronto. A new construction mixeduse residence is being construction beside a heritage building which will be undergoing a LEED for Existing Buildings, Operations and Maintenance retrofit. Both projects are targets for LEED Gold. Which of the following building code law(s) must the project abide by from the beginning of Development until end of use?


77. LeadingLEED is reusing an existing building and turning it into a new school. Which credit category would benefit from this?


78. The of a LEED Project must be certified under a single rating system


79. Yugo waste management is looking for methods to divert waste from landfills. Select which two options they may consider:


80. What is the bottom level of LEED certification level?


81. McLeod design-build firm constructed a new LEED Gold retail mall. It has been designed to take electricity from the grid throughout the day and gives energy from On-site renewable systems back to the grid throughout the night. This results in the building having no electricity costs. What is this process known as?


82. What is Biomass derived from?


83. A wooden wall found onsite and turned into a wooden bench as part of a major renovation would be guaranteed to
qualify as:


84. Goldstine Architecture utilizes a comprehensive and holistic approach and decides to make their building footprint
smaller. How does this benefit the project?


85. What is the Minimum length of time that you must purchase a renewable energy contract for the Green Power credit?


86. LeadingLEED is consulting for a major condo developer and anticipates 77 credits. They want LEED platinum status and go for more credits by putting 3 LEED APs on the team. How many points will this action earn the project?


87. The density of a project that is not residential is defined by:


88. Which of the following standards refers to efficient auto-mobiles and is recognized in LEED?


89. Which of the following credits are benefited by installing a vegetated roof on the project?


90. Looking at MRc2 – Construction Waste Management, which of the following items do not contribute to the credit? [CHOOSE 2]


91. Looking at the Triple Bottom Line, building on which of the following sites would contribute most to
Environmental Stewardship?


92. Select a difference between Hydrocarbons (HCs) and Hydrochlorofluorocarbons


93. Underground parking would benefit which LEED credit?


94. LeadingLEED’s brand new zoo requires one more point for LEED Platinum certification. The integrated design team looks into the Green Power credit. What is the intent of this Credit?


95. Project Team ‘X’ is attempting achieve LEED Platinum and needs to meet the water efficient landscaping credit. Select 3 of the following which would be considered a strategy to help meet this credit. [CHOOSE 3]


96. What are LEED certification fees based on


97. LEED utilizes established standards and cleverly incorporates them into their Green Rating System. WHich standard is used to decipher between PRE and POST -consumer recycled content?


98. The Chain-of-Custody documentation is required for compliance of which of the following credits?


99. When comparing the conventionally built Sanford Flemming Building to the Green Bahen Building, select one difference:


100. Which of the following LEED categories would be negatively affected by having paint containing
VOCs that was extracted and manufactured 50 miles from the project site?